International Fellows Program

Since 1985, NDU has been educating international leaders from over 150 countries. Under the direction of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, NDU's International Fellows Programs bring military and civilian leaders to campus for either a one-year master's degree focused on strategic security studies or shorter course certificate programs at one of NDU's five colleges. All International Fellows work side-by-side with their American counterparts in a rigorous academic environment and form lasting relationships with their U.S. and international counterparts. 

The number of International Students at NDU has seen significant growth in recent years and students are reaching key positions in their careers including Chiefs/Ministers/Secretaries of Defense, Chiefs of Service in Armed Forces, commanders of UN or EU missions, and key political or diplomatic positions.   

NDU Colleges with International Students

  • National War College (NWC)
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy (ES)*
  • College of International Security Affairs (CISA)
  • College of Information & Cyberspace (CIC)
  • Joint Forces Staff College (JFSC)

*previously the Industrial College of the Armed Forces (ICAF)

Impact of NDU International Alumni

The National Defense University's International graduates join a worldwide network of 5000 military, government, business, and community leaders. Alumni are encouraged to remain connected to each other long after their time at NDU. Alumni have used their education and these associations to lead their countries and achieve significant impact in their field. Many graduates work in the most senior positions in their respective armed forces, government agencies, multinational organizations, or companies. NDU strives to maintain ties with all alumni through providing continuing education, online and in-person engagement, and a range of research tools and resources for their benefit.