Housing and Living in Washington, D.C.

Lodging Options

Finding adequate housing is the top priority of most IMS attending NDU.

IMS will fall into one of two options:

  1. NDU assisted housing (Opt-in)
  2. Find your own housing (Opt-out)

Please inform us ASAP if you would like to "Opt-In" or "Opt-Out" of the ISMO housing program.

NDU Housing Program

Travel and Living Allowance (TLA) recipients who are given a per diem by the USG that covers their lodging costs. Students in this category have the option of "opting-in" to the NDU Housing Program. Please see details below. 

As a TLA lodging recipient, you have the opportunity to "OPT-IN" to ISMO's housing referral program. If you opt-in, ISMO will arrange your accommodations for you through a corporate housing provider but you will still be responsible for signing your own lease.  You will be assigned a fully-furnished apartment in the Crystal City/Pentagon City neighborhood of Arlington, Virginia or Norfolk, Virginia based on the number, age and gender of dependents accompanying you for at least 75% of the year. If you have accompanying dependents, the schools in this area are among the best in the country and are adept at educating children who do not speak English as their native language.  ISMO does not own these apartments and is simply facilitating your lodging through a corporate housing provider so that your living situation is settled immediately upon your arrival in the U.S.

If you opt-in the corporate housing provider, Suite Solutions has agreed to provide the following services in your lease package to ensure your year is as stress free as possible.

  • Airport pick up for you and your accompanying dependents (must arrive on same flight)

  • Utilities (water, heating, electricity, cable, and internet)

  • Security deposit is waived

  • One parking space (with proof of ownership of vehicle)

  • Basic bi-weekly maid service

  • Monthly rent payments to Suite Solutions handled by ISMO

Finding Your Own Lodging? 

Non-TLA recipients who are responsible for self-lodging. 

If you would like greater flexibility to choose your own lodging, you have the opportunity to "OPT-OUT" of ISMO's housing referral program. If you opt-out, you will be responsible for securing your own lodging. ISMO will send you a list of corporate housing providers we have worked with in the past, as well as different websites you can use to help you find lodging. If you have further questions about the OPT-OUT option for Norfolk or D.C. please contact your ISMO representative directly. 

You are authorized up to the full lodging per diem rate for your local area (view FY21 per diem rates for DC here and Norfolk here)

Use the reference sheet to review some of the Corporate Housing Providers located in the Greater DC area and in Norfolk: Housing Referral AY 22-23